Tuesday, September 25, 2007

MY 21st

it was the 1st of september...where i decided to ...kill myself...literally...

Was a memorable party i must say...and im pretty sure that everyone who came to the party agreed with me...well what can i say...14 bottles of spirits..2 slabs of beer...2 bags of goon...a couple big pots of shit mix...what else can you ask for..

I hereby pronounce myself a legend of IH for introducing 2 of the most disgusting,,,revolding spirits...good ol bacardi 151 and the unforgettable spyrytus!!! well..who thought there would be a spirit that is 95% alchohol!!! i know a lot of people talk about this alc here and there..some claiming they have drank something that is 99%...or 97% or whatsoever...but...no one has ever produced the good to show the public!!! I HAVE...and i have succesfully introduced this 2 spirits to the nation of IH...and when i mean introduce..i mean it in a spewing way...well..just from recollection...people that i have given 151 which resulted in a proper 'orientation'...Dhivia..Kim...Kaori's friends, Daniel Mu 'Mr invinsible man'....CK Tan...man....im sure there is more.....ooh..ooh....how can i forget...well..i didnt..just wanted to make it more dramatic...Miss Veronica Yow Huai Yi...think that is how her name is spelled!!hahhaa...i will never forget that...

As for spyrytus..well..not sure who got wasted from that...i doubt anyone did...couz onli the hardcore drinkers took it..and they onli took 1 shot..couz there was so many people around..well..everyone took 1 shot...apart from me ..!!! and even for those people...they have branded the drink...'the most fucked up drink' ever!!! so yeah..imagine me..having 3 for the nite...pretty sure that couldnt have turned up nice and neat..and it didnt..

Well...lets see what i can remember for the nite...i know i had about 2 beers..and 1 cup of whiskey coke b4 everyone started comin...sure enuff my cgs gang...the johnie fraternity...made me a cup of shitmix...chuckin in a splash of all the spirits...no MIXERs...unless you count midori and bitters as mixers...with 2 pieces of ice ( apparently..according to them...they chuck a splash of every spirit..accept the spyrytus and 151..in which they put 2 shots of spyrytus n 1 shot of 151 in it)...and aks me to skull it...so i did... straight after..i had my first shot of 151 with the crowd...

I was still fine then...till about 30 minutes later...when more people came..had a shot of spyrytus with suddy...maybelle...jason and all...then a shot of 151 with..i have no idea who....this is when i started becoming a bit high...but still controlable..decided to go around the whole function room to take photos with everyone b4 i lose control of myself and i cant even take photos then(ps thanks to fran for all the photography work...would not have any photographic memory if it wasnt for you)...after that...had another shot of tequila with someone else...couple of whiskey coke...some other stuff...but in total...i think ...i had. or the equivalent to...

3 shots of spyrytus..2 shots of 151...2 beers...3 or 4 whiskey coke...1 or 2 tequila..and 2 cups of regular shit mix and 1 cup of ultra shitmix( the one i told you b4)

The johnie fratternity kept to their tradition ...by takin out the pot in which i prepared for them...and preparing the renowned shitmix !!! by chuckin in everything they see...with a ratio of 60 to 70% alchohol and 30 to 40% mixers......so yeah..goon..whiskey...vodka..beer..you name it..it was in there...disgusted the shit out of everyone...and i had 2 cups myself..the 1st was the 'orange juice' as branded by everyone the next day..that was alrite..still sweet couz we still had mixers then..but the 2nd was just disgusting..as they ran out of mixers....and it was about 80 percent alchohol...or even more..with only a small amount of mixers..it was branded the 'ice lemon tea' by everyone..now that was shit..had a cup of that..and thats when i went nuts!!!

My friends decided to take out the 3 birthday cakes b4 i lose control..and yeah...had the traditional happy b day song...cutting of cake...taking photo session... but not long after..the securiy guard came along and started chasing us out at 1130..apparently we were too noisy...that i can believe..considering there was at least 80 hardcore people who were definitely high by then or at least under the influence of alchohol..and yeha..even daniel lim..who lived in uropa..said that that was defninitely the loudest bunch he has ever heard from the function room...what an effort..

anyhows..we all got chased out...left everything there couz i was too high to clean it..went outside..and when suddenly it was so quiet..and theree was no music..the alchohol hit me like never b4...and im pretty sure all of you would have heard by now..YES..i PASSED OUT!!! DEAD WEIGHT..all 104 kg of me...wel...i dont know whether you would say pass out..couz i was awake and knew what was happening..just didnt have the strentgth myself to carry myself out...just wanted to sleep there..and not move....fang..omar ...kenny had to carry me into the car... went back to IH...the 3 + charlie parkes had to carry me to the JCR...where i slept there ...good thing fran accompanied me...through the nite...and yes..i did spew. where you might ask? well..its up to me to know and for you to find out ...well..if you want to...according to fang..while he was there with me..i would have spewed at least 12 times..and i remember waking up every hour in the JCR to spew into the bowl..for about 5 times...so yeah..about 17 times i reckon...

WOke up the next day..forced myself to go back up to have a sleep there instead couz people were starting to come down for breakfast..haha...but..man..it was so hard to even climb up the stairs..had a hangover till 630pm....felt it the worst when i went back to uropa to try to clean the place up..opened the door and it smelled like shit..shitmix i mean!!! couz the doors were closed..there was alchohol everywhere..and the ice lemon tea shitmix wasnt completely finished..so there were remainder in the pot....and..yeah..stuffy area filled with shitmix aroma for a nite...NOT GOOD!!

cleaned up the place..with the feeling of spewing a few more times..but forced myself ...open up the doors to get fresh air in..was happy that i didnt break anything or do anything to forfeit my amount of 300 bucks...all was good..

So yeah...it was a good nite...a memorable one i must say..well..dont know how everyone else too it..but it was definitely a memorable one...a good 21st..and a good farewell party!!!

What can i say...after 2 and a half years livin in IH..its high time i spewed rite!!! at least now i have my own story to tell my kids in the future!!!

PS. Thanks to everyone...and i mean EVERYONE for coming to the party..Thanks to the people who took care of me in my drunken state..thanks to fran for photo taking...2 random extra cakes...thanks to everyone who contributed to the party in each and everyway possible..it wouldnt have been the party it was without you!!!

And now im going to try to put as many photos as i can possibly put? aint gonna bother naming everyone and givin them random nicknames like i usually do couz theres a shitload of people in here ...so yeah...enjoy!!!

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